Your boarding pass will be in your inbox shortly.

Before you go, we want to say hello :-)

Thank you so much for joining the eCourse Revolution!

Please introduce yourself by sharing a little about you and ONE thing you want to see changed or improved in the world of online learning.

Looking forward to meeting you!

~Brad & Andy

Be sure to add the departure time and date in your calendar

Departure Time and Date

January 26

12:00pm PST

We’ll send you a reminder email before departure

Who are we?

Meet the team

Bradley T. Morris

eCourse Adventure Guide, Writer, Communicator and Transformation Facilitator

Since 2007, Bradley has taught more than 500 meditation, business and personal growth workshops and led retreats around the world. In 2012, he wanted to get into the eCourse game and since then has launched six courses that have spanned more than 30 countries.

Bradley brings his love for creative expression, comedy, self reflection and personal transformation to his role as a coach, helping adventurous entrepreneurs develop highly engaging eCourses that improve their customer's lives.

For fun, he plays professional golf tournaments (a life-long dream come true).

More about Bradley at

Andy Freist

eCourse Adventure Guide, Digital Alchemist, Tech Wizard and Communications Designer

Andy is part tech geek, part marketer, part musician, and part artist. When he's not out playing music and producing transformational dance events, Andy spends his days channeling his love for technology and artistry into working with businesses and entrepreneurs.

He supports visionary entrepreneurs in creating powerful eCourse platforms and potent customer experiences.​

His specialty is online design, brand architecture and crafting engaging customer experiences from websites, eCourses to in person events and beyond.​

More about Andy at

Blair Francis Armstrong

Creative Director, Production Superhero and Creator of eCourse Worlds

Co-founder of SoulFam Productions (with Bradley), Blair is a longtime creative producer, music composer, videographer, editing mastermind and yogi extraordinaire. Blair's ability to ground and direct lofty, out-of-this-world ideas into a multi-media experience masterpiece is a key reason Bradley & Andy have been able to turn their crazy ideas into a reality.

When he's not in the editing room working on eCourse magic, he's usually out teaching yoga classes, entertaining audiences with his guitar and song, or getting people up and dancing as DJ Yogi B.

More about Blair at

Michael Mann

Chief Animator, Map Maker and Brand Designer

Michael A. Mann is a visual storyteller who uses the mediums of video, live performance, animation, graphic design and illustration to communicate with audiences.

Mr Mann loves using creativity and fun for for the world’s benefit and to help people have the life they want.

More about Michael at