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Below are some more fun ways that you can get to know our work at eCourse Adventures.

Here are 3 ways we can help you create world-class eCourses 
and the right conditions for your student's to learn & transform.

Free 14-Day Trial, then $35/month

The Great eCourse Adventure

This is our signature online course, community and coaching program for teachers, innovators and world changers who want to create world class eCourses.

Click here to get your trail pass.

Free Mini-Course (20-mins)

Courses Worth Sharing

This is our interactive choose-your-adventure mini-course that'll teach you to build online courses that your students actually love going through. 

Go through it here (no opt-in required).

Weekly Curated Newsletter

Beyond the Blueprint

Every week we send out an email with new article or video lessons, helpful tools we discovered or inspiring stuff the lit a blazing fire in our hearts. 

Subscribe here and get our next one.

Production Retreats, Coaching, Consulting & Done-For-You Platform Packages Are Available!

Our talented team of creative minds can do pretty much anything you can dream up.

If you are a company, organization, institution or individual who has a powerful message and educational process that has the potential to impact millions of lives AND you love our approach to faciliating transformation and learning online...

Who are we?

Meet the Team Behind the Great eCourse Adventure

Bradley T. Morris

eCourse Adventure Guide, Experience Design Artist, Gamification Expert Extraordinaire, Writer & Coach

Motivated by freedom and fun, I have been a full-time creative entrepreneur since 2005 when I dropped out of college to pursue my passions and dreams. 

Since 2007, I have been making digital media that inspires and transforms (starting with this video). I have taught more than 500 meditation, business and personal growth workshops and led retreats around the world. In 2012, I launched my first meditation course. My various courses have since spanned more than 50 countries and have been featured on popular apps like or licensed to companies like 

From the success of my own courses, I started coaching others to build their own digital learning experiences. 

My passion for helping people transform and my love for creativity is what tipped me over the edge to co-create the Great eCourse Adventure. Over time, experimentation, research, trial and error and a whole bunch of fun, all of that has evolved into what you see here at eCourse Adventures, now and in the future.

Little did we know, we were tapping into the future of online education. Just wait, you'll see...

For fun, I play 200+ rounds of golf per year and compete in pro tournaments. I'm living my dream life with my wife, Celeste and son, Sauryn. It only took 13 years to get here. Now it's your turn!

More about me at

Andy Freist

Digital Alchemist and Tech Wizard 

Andy is part tech geek, part marketer, part musician, and part artist. He was the genius who built the platform and helped make all these crazy ideas become real.

His main gig now is now running his dream business, Audio Alchemy, where he creates transformational music production retreats in Hawaii for music producers.

More about Andy at

Blair Francis Armstrong

Director of Video Production and Editor Extraordinaire

Co-founder of SoulFam Productions (with Bradley), Blair is a longtime producer, musician, composer, videographer, professional editor and creative genius.

Blair's ability to direct and create masterful video, music and soundscape compilations is the only reason Bradley & Andy have been able to turn their crazy idea into a reality.

More about Blair at

Michael Mann

Chief Animator, Map Maker and Brand Designer

Michael A. Mann is a visual storyteller who uses the mediums of video, live performance, animation, graphic design and illustration to communicate with audiences.

Mr Mann loves using creativity and fun for for the world’s benefit and to help people have the life they want.

More about Michael at