Unique and Creative Strategies for Building Glorious Affiliate Alliances (Webinar Workshop)

After deleting my social media accounts at the beginning of this year, I have put myself in the position where I must depend on real life human relationships to grow my businesses.

This has led me to create a brand new Strategic Alliance Strategy for all affiliate partnerships for both, The Great eCourse Adventure, as well as for my meditation business.

In the 30-minute webinar workshop below I cover a lot of ground, including:

  • Our affiliate pitch deck for both my businesses and other creative ideas for reaching out to new partners.
  • Our partnership strategy to grow our membership from 300 – 2000+ Trail Pass holders this year.
  • Affiliate software we’re currently using and have used in the past.
  • The role of our affiliate partnership manager.
  • Why we don’t do the 50/50 split with affiliate partners for the GEA and what you should give affiliates.
  • The premium eCourse business model vs. a Community-driven business model.
  • and a bunch of other creative inspiration for your body, mind and soulful business.

Note: The coaching call itself was about 90-minutes long, but I cut it down to some of the bite-sized pieces that I thought would be most delicious for all of you.

Grab a pen to take notes and enjoy the Webinar Workshop: “Unique and Creative Strategies for Building Glorious Affiliate Alliances”

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