Episode 16: Experience Design and the Future of Online Learning

No one truly knows what the future holds, but we have some pretty good ideas – and that’s what we’re going to talk about in episode 16 of eCourse Adventures Live.

As course creators, we are paving the way to the future. What do we want it to look like? What kind of eLearning experinces and trends are we going to start to notice more in this rapidly expanding industry?

If you want to stand out and claim your stake in the ground, then enjoy this conversation.

Download the show and read through the show notes…

Show Notes:

ABC = Always Be Creating. If you’re always creating, then you’re always learning. If you’re always learning, then you’re always improving. This is the path to mastery.

Experience Design: Future courses will be less focused on the information component and more focused on designing a powerful, engaging and enjoying learning experience for our students. Yes information will still be a part of the equation, however course creators will get more creative with HOW they deliver the goods.

Storytelling and Narrative: Rather than just bombarding our audiences with facts and info, storytelling will take the drivers seat. We’ll need to creatively weave story with information to create a learning journey that pulls people in and makes them want to sit around and listen.

Lower Prices: The eCourse elite got together years ago and established the current pricing bars we see in the industry. Does anyone ever question WHY a powerpoint presentation is sold for $2,000? Not really. But people will and we believe that we’re going to see a drop in many of the prices out there, making our course content more available to more people.

More Mini Courses: Netflix is super popular and addictive in the world. Our goal and what we see coming is a Netflix kind of experience where folks can sign up for a course and learn an amazing new skill in a short period of time. We envision these courses being like Netflix, in the sense that they’re super fun, well put together, entertaining and enjoyable to tear through.

eLearning will Shape Education: We can all see that the 150ish year old educational model that was created to teach folks the basics so they can go work in factories is incredibly flawed and broken. It just doesn’t serve the youth of our world today to step into their power and learn the skills necessary for the world we NOW live in. However, online learning and eCourses are a powerful way to teach the necessary skills that all humans should and need to learn in order to thrive in the future. We predict that eLearning will pave a new way for how we teach and learn on planet Earth.

Entertainment-based Learning: Lets just face it, most people have the attention span to sit through a long, boring talking heads powerpoint video. Nor does anyone want to. Thus comes our prediction that we’ll see a lot more entertainment-based learning experiences and eCourses. This is the foundation from which we built the Great eCourse Adventure. We set out to make the funnest, most engaging course we could dream up.

Transparent Marketing: Trust is jaded on the internet. We believe those who are honest, trustworthy, authentic, real and truly committed to helping people will take the cake in the eLearning industry. All of those sleazy salesmen will fall to the wayside and be forced to have a Spiritual awakening where they realize what a douchebag they’ve been and choose to change their ways.

Quality will Win: Putting an iPhone on a tripod and talking to the camera won’t be enough to turn heads in the future of online learning. You’re going to have to learn how to craft a high quality learning experience from start to finish. Every part of your eCourse will need to look polished and pro. But don’t worry, there’s plenty of affordable tech and tutorials that’ll help you do it. Just commit to quality, commit to learning and have fun!

Virtual Reality: It’s coming, whether we like it or not. In 2017 we’ll begin to see some mediocre to semi-cool VR learning experiences and hopefully by 2018 you’ll be able to experience your first Great eCourse Adventure virtual reality course. Yup, we’re excited to play with the possibilities of this emerging technology and you should be too!

Where do you think the eCourse industry is heading in the future? Share in the comments below.

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